1st Place. Bruce Wayne.

“A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulder just to let him know the world hasn’t ended.”

Well fellas, I think this is a very good quote. This proves that every single one of us actually CAN be a hero. Maybe not be a superhero like Batman, or Iron Man, or Superman, or Hulk or something, but we still can by doing good stuff. At the end it’s up to us.

2nd Place. Harvey Dent

“Either you die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

Now, now, now. I know what you are thinking: “Batman said this, not Harvey, blah blah blah…”. I want to clear this first before I comment this quote. This was said by Harvey in the dinner with Bruce, Rachel, and the ballerina. Batman QUOTED it when Harvey died to show Gordon what happenned to Harvey and to show his reason of retirement. Now I’ll tell you my opinion. I think that this quote, even if it sounds for powerful people or something, is something we should think about. When you have power, we tend to start using it for our own purposes. So fellas out there with any kind of power, keep this in mind.

3rd Place. The Joker

“I believe that what doesn’t kill you, simply makes you, Stranger.”

As for this quote I think that it is for every person that has had a kind of “strong”, we could say, event in his/her life. It says that that event might be the cause of the person you truly are right now. This event could have caused a change in personality in your life, but this makes you the person you are, and you have to accept yourself. NO. MATTER. WHAT. So keep going fellas.

Bonus. Also by The Joker.

“If you’re good at something never do it for free.”

Well, as for this quote only do it if you’re like in need or its like you are saving for something or you are in debt or something. BUT (note the big but?) if it is for example to save a kid from a car accident, dude, DO WHAT YOU CAN TO DO IT! In this kind of things MONEY is what matters the less. So do it for FREE unless its for the reasons listed above.

Well fellas, this is up for today. As you see, I’m keeping my promise of upgrading the blog. So, keep an eye on it, and remember what I said about the last quote. I don’t want any of you doing ungenerous things.

